SupposeGis a directed graph. Theoutdegreeof a vertexvofG, written outdeg(v), is the number of edges
beginning atv, and theindegreeofv, written indeg(v), is the number of edges ending atv. Since each edge begins
and ends at a vertex we immediately obtain the following theorem.
Theorem 9.1: The sum of the outdegrees of the vertices of a digraphGequals the sum of the indegrees of the
vertices, which equals the number of edges inG.
A vertexvwith zero indegree is called asource, and a vertexvwith zero outdegree is called asink.
EXAMPLE 9.2 Consider the graphGin Fig. 9-1(a). We have:
outdeg(A)= 1 , outdeg(B)= 4 , outdeg(C)= 0 , outdeg(D)= 2 ,
indeg(A)= 2 , indeg(B)= 2 , indeg(C)= 2 , indeg(D)= 1.
As expected, the sum of the outdegrees equals the sum of the indegrees, which equals the number 7 of edges.
The vertexCis a sink since no edge begins atC. The graph has no sources.
LetGbe a directed graph. The concepts of path, simple path, trail, and cycle carry over from nondirected
graphs to the directed graphGexcept that the directions of the edges must agree with the direction of the path.
(i) A (directed)pathPinGisanalternating sequence of vertices and directed edges, say,
v 0 ,e 1 ,v 1 ,e 2 ,v 2 ,...,en,vn
such that each edgeeibegins atvi− 1 and ends atvi. If there is no ambiguity, we denotePby its sequence
of vertices or its sequence of edges.
(ii) Thelengthof the pathPisn, its number of edges.
(iii) Asimple pathis a path with distinct vertices. Atrailis a path with distinct edges.
(iv) Aclosed pathhas the same first and last vertices.
(v) Aspanning pathcontains all the vertices ofG.
(vi) Acycle(orcircuit) is a closed path with distinct vertices (except the first and last).
(vii) Asemipathis the same as a path except the edgeeimay begin atvi− 1 orviand end at the other vertex.
Semitrailsandsemisimple pathsare analogously defined.
A vertexvisreachablefrom a vertexuif there is a path fromutov.Ifvis reachable fromu, then (by eliminating
redundant edges) there must be a simple path fromutov.
EXAMPLE 9.3 Consider the graphGin Fig. 9-1(a).
(a) The sequenceP 1 =(D,C,B,A)is a semipath but not a path since(C, B)is not an edge; that is, the direction
ofe 5 =(C, B)does not agree with the direction ofP 1.
(b) The sequenceP 2 =(D,B,A)is a path fromDtoAsince(D, B)and(B, A)are edges. ThusAis reachable