Schaum's Outline of Discrete Mathematics, Third Edition (Schaum's Outlines)

(Martin Jones) #1


(c) Xis a source no edge entersX, that is, indeg(X)=0. There are no sinks since every vertex is the initial point of
an edge, that is, has nonzero outdegree.
(d) LetE′consists of all edges ofGwhose endpoints lie inV′. This yieldE′={(X, Y ), (X, Z), (Z, Y )}. Then

9.3 LetGbe the directed graph in Fig. 9-21(b).

(a) Find two simple paths fromv 1 tov 6 .Isα=(v 1 ,v 2 ,v 4 ,v 6 )such a simple path?
(b) Find all cycles inGwhich includev 3.
(c)IsGunilaterally connected? Strongly connected?
(d) Find the successor list of each vertex ofG.
(e) Are there any sources inG? Any sinks?

(a) A simple path is a path where all vertices are distinct. Thus(v 1 ,v 5 ,v 6 )and (v 1 ,v 2 ,v 3 ,v 5 ,v 6 )are two simple paths
fromv 1 tov 6. The sequence is not even a path since the edge joiningv 4 tov 6 does not begin atv 4.
(b) There are two such cycles:(v 3 ,v 1 ,v 2 ,v 3 )and(v 3 ,v 5 ,v 6 ,v 1 ,v 2 ,v 3 ).
(c) Gis unilaterally connected since(v 1 ,v 2 ,v 3 ,v 5 ,v 6 ,v 4 )is a spanning path.Gis not strongly connected since there
is no closed spanning path.
(d) Add vertexvto the successor list succ(u)ofufor each edge(u, v)inG. This yields:

succ(v 1 )=[v 2 ,v 5 ], succ(v 2 )=[v 3 ,v 4 ], succ(v 3 )=[v 1 ,v 5 ]
succ(v 4 )=, succ(v 5 )=[v 6 ], succ(v 6 )=[v 1 ,v 4 ]
(As expected, the number of successors equals 9, which is the number of edges.)
(e) There are no sources since every vertex is the endpoint of some edge. Onlyv 4 is a sink since no edge begins atv 4 ,
that is, succ(v 4 )=, the empty set.

9.4. LetGbe the directed graph with vertex setV (G)=(a,b,c,d,e,f,g}and edge set:

E(G)={(a, a), (b, e), (a, e), (e, b), (g, c), (a, e), (d, f ), (d, b), (g, g)}

(a) Identify any loops or parallel edges.
(b) Are there any sources inG?
(c) Are there any sinks inG?
(d) Find the subgraphHofGdetermined by the vertex setV′={a, b, c, d}.

(a) Aloop is an edge with the same initial and terminal points; hence(a, a)and(g, g)are loops. Two edges are parallel
if they have the same initial and terminal points. Thus(a, e)and(a, e)are parallel edges.
(b) The vertexdis a source since no edge ends ind, that is,ddoes not appear as the second element in any edge.
There are no other sources.
(c) Bothcandfare sinks since no edge begins atcor atf, that is, neithercnorfappear as the first element in any
edge. There are no other sinks.
(d) LetE′consist of all edges ofGwhose endpoints lie inV′={a, b, c, d}. This yieldsE′={(a, a), (d, b)}. Then


9.5 LetTbe the rooted tree in Fig. 9-22.

(a) Identify the pathαfrom the rootRto each of the following vertices, and find the level numbernof the
vertex: (i)H; (ii)F; (iii)M.
(b) Find the siblings ofE.
(c) Find the leaves ofT.
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