Schaum's Outline of Discrete Mathematics, Third Edition (Schaum's Outlines)

(Martin Jones) #1


1.8 Prove Theorem 1.4. The following are equivalent:A⊆B,A∩B=A,A∪B=B.
SupposeA⊆Band letx∈A. Thenx∈B, hencex∈A∩BandA⊆A∩B. By Theorem 1.3,(A∩B)⊆A. Therefore
A∩B=A. On the other hand, supposeA∩B=Aand letx∈A. Thenx∈(A∩B); hencex∈Aandx∈B.
Therefore,A⊆B. Both results show thatA⊆Bis equivalent toA∩B=A.
Suppose again thatA⊆B. Letx∈(A∪B). Thenx∈Aorx∈B.Ifx∈A, thenx∈BbecauseA⊆B.Ineither
case,x∈B. ThereforeA∪B⊆B. By Theorem 1.3,B⊆A∪B. ThereforeA∪B=B. Now supposeA∪B=Band
letx∈A. Thenx∈A∪Bby definition of the union of sets. Hencex∈B=A∪B. ThereforeA⊆B. Both results
show thatA⊆Bis equivalent toA∪B=B.
ThusA⊆B,A∪B=AandA∪B=Bare equivalent.


1.9 Illustrate DeMorgan’s Law(A∪B)C=AC∩BCusing Venn diagrams.
Shade the area outsideA∪Bin a Venn diagram of setsAandB. This is shown in Fig. 1-7(a); hence the shaded
area represents(A∪B)C. Now shade the area outsideAin a Venn diagram ofAandBwith strokes in one direction
(////), and then shade the area outsideBwith strokes in another direction (\\\\). This is shown in Fig. 1-7(b); hence the
cross-hatched area (area where both lines are present) representsAC∩BC. Both(A∪B)CandAC∩BCare represented
by the same area; thus the Venn diagram indicates(A∪B)C=AC∩BC. (We emphasize that a Venn diagram is not a
formal proof, but it can indicate relationships between sets.)

Fig. 1-7

1.10 Prove the Distributive Law:A∩(B∪C)=(A∩B)∪(A∩C).

A∩(B∪C)={x|x∈A, x∈(B∪C)}
={x|x∈A, x∈Borx∈A, x∈C}=(A∩B)∪(A∩C)

Here we use the analogous logical lawp∧(q∨r)≡(p∧q)∨(p∧r)where∧denotes “and” and∨denotes “or.”

1.11 Write the dual of: (a)(U∩A)∪(B∩A)=A;(b)(A∩U)∩(∅∪AC)=∅.
Interchange∪and∩and alsoUand∅in each set equation:

1.12 Prove:(A∪B)\(A∩B)=(A\B)∪(B\A). (Thus either one may be used to defineA⊕B.)
UsingX\Y=X∩YCand the laws in Table 1.1, including DeMorgan’s Law, we obtain:

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