Schaum's Outline of Discrete Mathematics, Third Edition (Schaum's Outlines)

(Martin Jones) #1


Theorem 14.5: LetPbe a poset such that the inf(a, b)and sup(a, b)exist for anya,binP. Letting

a∧b=inf(a, b) and a∨b=sup(a, b)

we have that(P ,∧,∨)is a lattice. Furthermore, the partial order onPinduced by the lattice is
the same as the original partial order onP.
The converse of the above theorem is also true. That is, letLbe a lattice and letbe the induced partial order
onL. Then inf(a, b)and sup(a, b)exist for any paira,binLand the lattice obtained from the poset(L,)is
the original lattice. Accordingly, we have the following:

Alternate Definition: A lattice is a partially ordered set in which

a∧b=inf(a, b) and a∨b=sup(a, b)

exist for any pair of elementsaandb.
We note first that any linearly ordered set is a lattice since inf(a, b)=aand sup(a, b)=bwhenever
ab. By Example 14.7, the positive integersNand the setDmof divisors ofmare lattices under the relation of

Sublattices, Isomorphic Lattices

SupposeMis a nonempty subset of a latticeL. We sayMisa sublatticeofLifMitself is a lattice (with
respect to the operations ofL). We note thatMis a sublattice ofLif and only ifMis closed under the operations of
∧and∨ofL. For example, the setDmof divisors ofmis a sublattice of the positive integersNunder divisibility.
Two latticesLandL′are said to beisomorphicif there is a one-to-one correspondencef:L→L′such that

f(a∧b)=f(a)∧f(b) and f(a∨b)=f(a)∨f(b)

for any elementsa,binL.

14.9Bounded Lattices

A latticeLis said to have alower bound0 if for any elementxinLwe have 0x. Analogously,Lis said
to have anupper bound Iif for anyxinLwe havexI. We sayLisboundedifLhas both a lower bound 0
and an upper boundI. In such a lattice we have the identities

a∨I=I, a∧I=a, a∨ 0 =a, a∧ 0 = 0

for any elementainL.
The nonnegative integers with the usual ordering,

0 < 1 < 2 < 3 < 4 <···

have 0 as a lower bound but have no upper bound. On the other hand, the latticeP(U)of all subsets of any
universal setUis a bounded lattice withUas an upper bound and the empty setas a lower bound.
SupposeL={a 1 ,a 2 ,...,an}is a finite lattice. Then

a 1 ∨a 2 ∨···∨an and a 1 ∧a 2 ∧···∧an

are upper and lower bounds forL, respectively. Thus we have

Theorem 14.6: Every finite latticeLis bounded.

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