Schaum's Outline of Discrete Mathematics, Third Edition (Schaum's Outlines)

(Martin Jones) #1



LetSbe a nonempty set with an operation. ThenSis called asemigroupif the operation is associative. If the
operation also has an identity element, thenSis called amonoid.


(a) Consider the positive integersN. Then (N,+) and (N,×)are semigroups since addition and multiplication
onNare associative. In particular, (N,×)is a monoid since it has the identity element 1. However, (N,+)
is not a monoid since addition inNhas no zero element.

(b) LetSbe a finite set, and letF(S)be the collection of all functionsf: S→Sunder the operation of
composition of functions. Since the composition of functions is associative,F(S)is a semigroup. In fact,
F(S)is a monoid since the identity function is an identity element forF(S).

(c) LetS={a, b, c, d}. The multiplication tables in Fig. B-1 define operations∗and·onS. Note that∗can be
defined by the formulax∗y=xfor anyxandyinS. Hence

(x∗y)∗z=x∗z=x and x∗(y∗z)=x∗y=x

Therefore,∗is associativeand hence (S,∗) is a semigroup. On the other hand,·is not associative since,
for example,

(b·c)·c=a·c=c but b·(c·c)=b·a=b
Thus (S,·) is not a semigroup.

Free Semigroup, Free Monoid

LetAbe a nonempty set. AwordwonAis a finite sequence of its elements. For example, the following
are words onA={a, b, c}:

u=ababbbb=abab^4 and v=baccaaaa=bac^2 a^4

(We writea^2 foraa,a^3 foraaa, and so on.) Thelengthof a wordw, denoted byl(w), is the number of elements
inw. Thusl(u)=7 andl(v)=8.
The concatenation of wordsuandvon a setA, writtenu∗voruv, is the word obtained by writing down the
elements ofufollowed by the elements ofv. For example,

uv=(abab^4 )(bac^2 a^4 )=abab^5 c^2 a^4

Now letF=F (A)denote the collection of all words onAunder the operation of concatenation. Clearly,
for any wordsu,v,w, the words(uv)wandu(vw)are identical; they simply consist of the elements ofu,v,w
written down one after the other. ThusFis a semigroup; it is called thefree semigrouponA, and the elements
ofAare called thegeneratorsofF.
The empty sequence, denoted byl, is also considered as a word onA. However, we do not assume that
lbelongs to the free semigroupF=F (A). The set of all words onAincludinglis frequently denoted byA.
is a monoid under concatenation; it is called thefree monoidonA.


LetAbe a nonempty subset of a semigroupS. ThenAis called a subsemigroup ofSifAitself is a
semigroup with respect to the operation onS. Since the elements ofAare also elements ofS, theAssociative Law
automatically holds for the elements ofA. Therefore,Ais a subsemigroup ofSif and only ifAis closed under the
operation onS.

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