Schaum's Outline of Discrete Mathematics, Third Edition (Schaum's Outlines)

(Martin Jones) #1


Matrix (continued)
Boolean, 206, 422
of a relation, 26
element, 341
rectangle, 386
Maxheap, 244
Mean, 133
Meet, 346
Member of a set, 1
Minheap, 245
cover, 386
element, 341
path, 249
spanning tree, 165
sum-of-products, 375
Modified cancellation law,
Modular arithmetic, 48, 274
Modulus, 274
Moments, 148
Monic polynomial, 446
Monoid, 304, 435
Multigraph, 156
Multiplicative function,
Multiplier, 419
Mutually exclusive events,

N(positive integers), 2
n(•) (number of elements), 8
n-cubeQn, 192
n-tuple, 51
NAND gate, 380
log, 50
mapping, 437
numbers, 2
Negation, 72
of a quantifier, 78
Negative, 434
Neighbor, 157
Nearest-neighbor algorithm,
Next-state function, 307
NLR traversal, 240
NO state, 327
Nodes, 154, 156, 201, 235
external, 237
internal, 237
Nonplanar graph, 168
Nonsingular matrix, 415
NOR gate, 380
Norm, 410
Normal subgroup, 440
NOT gale, 378

pointer, 155, 239
set Ø, 3
tree, 235

Odd vertex, 157
One to-one:
correspondence, 46
function, 46
Onto function, 46
Operations, 432
OR, 208
OR gate, 377
Order, 33, 365
dual, 338
of an element, 442
of a group, 438
product, 339
pairs, 23
partitions, 108
rooted tree, 205
samples, 92
set, 338
Outdegree, 203

P(n, r) (permutations), 91
arcs, 202
edges, 202
Parent, 236
Partially ordered set, 33, 337
ordered, 32
of a positive integer, 341
of a set, 10
Pascal’s triangle, 90
Path in a graph, 159, 203, 236
matrix, 207
PERM (·), 440
Permutations, 91, 439
with repetition, 92
Phrase structure grammars, 310
Picture card, 125
PID (Principal Ideal Domain), 445
Pigeonhole principle, 94, 110
Pivot, 419
Planar graphs, 166
Pointer, 154
Polish notation, 238
Polynomial, 446
evaluation, 56
function, 45
monic, 446
Poset (partially ordered set), 33,
Positive integersN,2
Postfix form, 238

Postorder transversal, 240
Power set, 10
Precedes, 337
Prefix form, 238
property, 250
Premises, 76
Preordcr traversal, 240
Prime implicant, 375
Prime number, 269
Principal ideal, 445
domain, 445
Priority queue, 156, 444
Probability, 126
conditional, 127
distribution, 132
random variable, 132
order, 339
rule, 89
set, 23, 24
Production in a grammar, 310
Proposition, 70
truth table of, 73
Propositional function, 77
Pruning algorithm, 419
Pumping Lemma, 309
Pushdown automata, 314

Q(rational numbers), 2
Quantifiers, 77
negation of, 78
Quasi-order, 339
Queue, 156
priority, 156
Quintuple (Turing machine),
group, 440
ring, 445
semigroup, 436
set, 32

R(real number system), 2
Random, 126
variable, 132
Range, 43
space, 132
Rate of growth, 59
Reachable vertex, 203
matrix, 207
Real number systemR,2
Rear of a queue, 156
Recognition of words, 308
Recurance relation, 11, 113
Recursively defined functions, 52
Reduced residue system, 276
Reflexive relation, 28
Region of a map, 167
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