Fig. 3-1
(a) Consider the functionf(x)=x^3 , i.e.,fassigns to each real number its cube. Then the image of 2 is 8, and
so we may writef( 2 )=8.
(b) Figure 3-1 defines a functionffromA={a, b, c, d}intoB={r, s, t , u}in the obvious way. Here
f(a)=s, f (b)=u, f (c)=r, f (d )=s
The image offis the set of image values,{r, s, u}. Note thattdoes not belong to the image offbecausetis
not the image of any element underf.
(c) LetAbe any set. The function fromAintoAwhich assigns to each element inAthe element itself is called
theidentity functiononAand it is usually denoted by 1A, or simply 1. In other words, for everya∈A,
(^1) A(a)=a.
(d) SupposeSis a subset ofA, that is, supposeS⊆A. Theinclusion maporembeddingofSintoA, denoted by
i:S↪→Ais the function such that, for everyx∈S,
Therestrictionof any functionf:A→B, denoted byf|Sis the function fromSintoBsuch that, for anyx∈S,
Functions as Relations
There is another point of view from which functions may be considered. First of all, every functionf:A→B
gives rise to a relation fromAtoBcalled thegraph of fand defined by
Graph off={(a, b)|a∈A, b=f(a)}
Two functionsf:A→Bandg:A→Bare defined to beequal, writtenf =g,iff(a)=g(a)for every
a∈A; that is, if they have the same graph. Accordingly, we do not distinguish between a function and its graph.
Now, such a graph relation has the property that eachainAbelongs to a unique ordered pair(a, b)in the relation.
On the other hand, any relationffromAtoBthat has this property gives rise to a functionf:A→B, where
f(a)=bfor each(a, b)inf. Consequently, one may equivalently define a function as follows:
Definition:A functionf:A→Bis a relation fromAtoB(i.e., a subset ofA×B) such that eacha∈Abelongs
to aunique ordered pair(a, b)inf.
Although we do not distinguish between a function and its graph, we will still use the terminology “graph
off” when referring tofas a set of ordered pairs. Moreover, since the graph offis a relation, we can draw its
picture as was done for relations in general, and this pictorial representation is itself sometimes called the graph
off. Also, the defining condition of a function, that eacha∈Abelongs to a unique pair(a, b)inf, is equivalent
to the geometrical condition of each vertical line intersecting the graph in exactly one point.