(a) The following statements are negatives of each other:
“For all positive integersnwe haven+ 2 >8”
“There exists a positive integernsuch thatn+ 2 >8”
(b) The following statements are also negatives of each other:
“There exists a (living) person who is 150 years old”
“Every living person is not 150 years old”
Remark:The expression¬p(x)has the obvious meaning:
“The statement¬p(a)is true whenp(a)is false, and vice versa”
Previously,¬was used as an operation on statements; here¬is used as an operation on propositional functions.
Similarly,p(x)∧q(x), read “p(x)andq(x),” is defined by:
“The statementp(a)∧q(a)is true whenp(a)andq(a)are true”
Similarly,p(x)∨q(x), read “p(x)orq(x),” is defined by:
“The statementp(a)∨q(a)is true whenp(a)orq(a)is true”
Thus in terms of truth sets:
(i) ¬p(x)is the complement ofp(x).
(ii) p(x)∧q(x)is the intersection ofp(x)andq(x).
(iii) p(x)∨q(x)is the union ofp(x)andq(x).
One can also show that the laws for propositions also hold for propositional functions. For example, we have
DeMorgan’s laws:
¬(p(x)∧q(x))≡¬p(x)∨¬q(x) and ¬(p(x)∨q(x))≡¬p(x)∧¬q(x)
Theorem 4.6 tells us that to show that a statement∀x,p(x)is false, it is equivalent to show that∃x¬p(x)
is true or, in other words, that there is an elementx 0 with the property thatp(x 0 )is false. Such an elementx 0 is
called acounterexampleto the statement∀x,p(x).
(a) Consider the statement∀x∈R,|x| =0. The statement is false since 0 is a counterexample, that is,| 0 | = 0
is not true.
(b) Consider the statement∀x∈R,x^2 ≥x. The statement is not true since, for example,^12 is a counterexample.
Specifically,(^12 )^2 ≥^12 is not true, that is,(^12 )^2 <^12.
(c) Consider the statement∀x∈N,x^2 ≥x. This statement is true whereNis the set of positive integers.
In other words, there does not exist a positive integernfor whichn^2 <n.