HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript Fourth Edition

(Ben Green) #1


Required Answer:9px

Exam Question 235(p.350):When we say margin: 9px 8px; what is the
implied fourth value?
Required Answer:8px

12.4 Measurement Units

The length measurement (size) of padding, borders, margins, and outlines
can be specified in any of several ways. This variety is in response to the
many ways web designers want to control the appearance of their webpages.

12.4.1 Percentages

Distance can be measured by percentage, in which case, by default, it is
based on the size of the central object (interior content). This is called
box-sizing: content-box.

If we specifybox-sizing: border-box, then distance percentages are based
on the size of outer border, which includes the size of the border, padding,
and content. Although this is not the default, it is a very popular alternative
to content-box sizing.

Exam Question 236(p.350): List the two “box-sizing:” options.
Required Answer:border-box, content-box

Exam Question 237(p.350): What “box-sizing:” option is the default?
Required Answer:content-box

12.4.2 Pixels

Some, likepx(pixel), are designed to be displayed on a screen. As previ-
ously stated in 1.2 (page 10), there are 47 CSS pixels in one degree of direct
vision width. Originally a pixel was one dot on the computer screen. This
was the natural measurement the computer used to render things. For many
purposes I believe it is the best measurement today.

Exam Question 238(p.350): How many CSS pixels are in one degree of
direct vision?

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