HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript Fourth Edition

(Ben Green) #1


ul.c { list-style-type: square; }
ul.d { list-style-type: none; }
ul.e { list-style-image: url(...); }

  • ...

  • ...

15.5 li: List Items

Normally all we need is

  • at the start of a list item. We can over-ride
    the numeric value of any item by specifying a value, like this:

  • Exam Question 283(p.353):What attribute overrides the number of an
    li element?
    Acceptable Answer:value=

    15.6 Horizontal Lists (Dropdown Menus)

    List are often menu items, and we might like to position them across the
    top of our webpage, using hover to reveal the sub-lists.

    Phase One: We start with our menu system, unstyled. The main thing
    to notice is that we have a main list with four menu items, and each menu
    item has several sub-menu items. Also, we have placed an ID on the whole
    list. We can place this into a webpage and see how it looks.

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