HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript Fourth Edition

(Ben Green) #1


The server splits the URL as follows:



The server replaces the domain name with the document root, resulting in
this actual filename:


Exam Question 339(p.356):What is the default folder name for webpages
on an Apache server?
Required Answer:publichtml

Remember: none of this is seen by the end user. It is only seen by the
developer (you).

19.4.2 File Manager

To “publish” (add content), you will probably use a file manager. (You
might usersyncor something based on it, or you might use a packaged

We will use the file manager.

Rsync is a method for copying between your personal computer and your
webhost server. You can read more about it in section 19.7 (page 210).

WordPress and Drupal are very popular packaged solutions. more on WordPress. more on Drupal.

In using the file manager, you need to understand how your web server
organizes things. You should understand the Apache approach.

19.4.3 Add-On Domains

You can attach an add-on domain to your account. This will require that
(a) you have registered the add-on domain, (b) you told the registrar what
DNS to use, as specified by your webhost, and (c) you decide on a document
root for that domain.

Each domain can (and probably should) have its own document root.

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