HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript Fourth Edition

(Ben Green) #1


In some cases, plagiarism may also create a violation of copyright law. If
you borrow wording from someone else, you should identify the source.

Lorem Ipsumlooks like Latin. It is generic text that is used for filler on
webpages when the actual content is not yet available. See section 25.2.1
(page 243).

Fair useis the concept (in the USA, with similar concepts elsewhere) that
even though something is copyrighted, there are times when copies can still
be legally made. Personal (non-commercial) use may qualify. News report-
ing may qualify. Scholarly use may qualify. Handicapped accessible use may

Exam Question 350(p.357): What is Fair Use?
Acceptable Answer: It is the concept in US law that sometimes things
can be copied legally without permission even if they are copyrighted.

ACover Versionis a re-recording of a song that has already been released
by someone else. It is allowed by copyright law.

Exam Question 351(p.357): What is a Cover Version?
Acceptable Answer: It is re-recording of a song that has already been
released by someone else.

Public Domainis the category of things that are not under copyright
restrictions any more. It applies to everything when it gets old enough. It
can apply to newer things if the author agrees. Section 25.2 (page 242) has
more information.

Exam Question 352(p.357): What is a Public Domain?
Acceptable Answer:It is things that are not under copyright restriction.

Creative Commonsis another place where content, especially images,
can be found under liberal terms. See Appendix 25.2.3 (page 244) for more

25.1.2 Derivative Works

Derivative works are often subject to the copyright of the original work.
That means you are normally not allowed to publish derivative works.

When you take major elements of someone else’s copyrighted work and use
them, the result is a derivative work. (Ideas are not elements, in this con-

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