HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript Fourth Edition

(Ben Green) #1


Required Answer:background-image:

Exam Question 363(p.358): What CSS attribute: draws a box around
some content?
Required Answer:border:

Exam Question 364(p.358): What CSS attribute: puts space between
any box you draw around content, and neighboring content?
Required Answer:margin:

Exam Question 365(p.359): In CSS what is the one-character symbol
for class?
Acceptable Answer:.

Exam Question 366(p.359):What HTML attribute= is used to specify
Required Answer:class=

Exam Question 367(p.359):What CSS attribute places a picture in the
Acceptable Answer:background-image:

Exam Question 368(p.359): If you want to draw a box around some
content, what CSS attribute would you use?
Acceptable Answer:border:

Exam Question 369(p.359): If you draw a box around some content,
what CSS attribute puts space between your content and the box?
Acceptable Answer:padding:

Exam Question 370(p.359): In CSS, can padding be negative?
Acceptable Answer:no

Background images and colors extend through both the content, the padding,
and the borders (if the border has gaps, like with double, dotted, or dashed).
Backgrounds do not extend into the margin.

Exam Question 371(p.359):In CSS, does background extend into padding?
Acceptable Answer:yes

Exam Question 372(p.359): In CSS, does background extend into bor-
Acceptable Answer:yes

Exam Question 373(p.359):In CSS, does background extend into mar-

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