HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript Fourth Edition

(Ben Green) #1


padding:Around the content, you can have padding, which is empty space
that has the same background as the content.

border:Around the padding you can have a border, which is colored and
patterned and has thickness. Empty parts of the border are also colored the
same as the background of the content.

margin: Around the border you can have margin, which is always trans-

28.5 Fonts

Fonts are the letter shapes used by the text. Letters can be plain or fancy.
This is controlled by the font family you select, or by the default font family
if you do not select anything.

Chapter 10 (page 99) went in depth with fonts. In particular, see section
10.4 (page 106) for more information about the font stack. For right now,
we can get you started with these:

font-family: serif; / normal printing /
font-family: sans-serif; / plain printing /
font-family: cursive; / flowing script /
font-family: fantasy; / strange things /
font-family: monospace; / even letter sizing /

28.6 CSS Validator

W3C is the standards body that develops standards for the World Wide
Web. their homepage. Their materials are author-

W3C does not try to provide tutorials and guides for novices, but instead
caters to the detailed and precise needs of experts.

They provide two incredibly useful validators that can be used to find errors
in your HTML code or CSS code. their validator for CSS code.

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