Typically these editors use aWYSIWYG(wizzy-wig) approach. That
stands for What You See Is What You Get, and has become the standard
way for Word Processors to edit documents.
Exam Question 388(p.361): What does WYSIWYG stand for?
Acceptable Answer:what you see is what you get
The alternative to WYSIWYG is Markup. We will learn Markup, but you
should know that WYSIWYG exists and is very popular.
40.4 Uncommon: The Road Less Traveled
One danger of web development tools is that they limit you to doing things
their way. Certain options may not be available to you.
The other danger with web development tools is that everything looks alike.
While there are many customizations possible, still, when you see a Word-
Press page, you can often tell it is a WordPress page.
Maybe your creativity demands its own voice.
Maybe you do not want to be just like everyone else.
If so, then you need to go deeper, into HTML and CSS, and maybe even
JavaScript. We cover those later.
But in this unit we cover things that are easy to do.
Why reinvent the wheel every time?
Sometimes using a tool is good enough.