HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript Fourth Edition

(Ben Green) #1


45:(p.34) What HTML markup is used to emphasize some content?

46:(p.34) What HTML markup is used to draw a line through some con-

47:(p.34) What HTML markup is used to draw a line under some content?

48:(p.34) What HTML markup is used to present lowered content (Like
the 2 in H2O)?

49:(p.35) What HTML markup is used to present raised content (Like the
2 in x squared)?

50:(p.35) What HTML markup is used to go to a new line?

51:(p.35) What HTML markup is used to insert a picture?

52:(p.35) What HTML markup is used to specify a link to another page?

Unit I, Chapter 4: HTML Tags and Attributes

53:(p.38) Give the prototype (pattern) for HTML markup in general.

54:(p.39) What character marks the start of each piece of HTML markup?

55:(p.39) What character marks the end of each piece of HTML markup?

56:(p.39) What two characters can mark the end of HTML markup for a
void tag?

57:(p.39) When a tag is void, what does that mean?

58:(p.39) When do you need a space before the end of HTML markup?

59:(p.40) When one set of tags begins and ends totally inside another set
of tags, what do we call that?

60:(p.40) What is wrong with this ordering:.........?

61:(p.40) What is wrong with this ordering:.........?

62:(p.41) In HTML does the order in which attributes are specified make

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