HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript Fourth Edition

(Ben Green) #1


179:(p.102) What does kerning control?

180:(p.103) List the five generic font families.

181:(p.104) What generic font family includes Times?

182:(p.104) What generic font family includes Helvetica?

183:(p.105) What generic font family has letters all the same width?

184:(p.105) What generic font family includes Courier?

185:(p.105) Which generic font should almost always be text aligned left?

186:(p.105) What generic font family emulates human handwriting?

187:(p.107) Tell what is wrong with this font spec: font-family: Times Ro-
man, serif;

188:(p.107) Tell what is wrong with this font spec: font-family: ARiaL,

189:(p.107) Tell what is wrong with this font spec: font-family: arial, sans-

190:(p.107) Tell what is wrong with this font spec: font-family: sans-serif,

191:(p.107) Tell what is wrong with this font spec: font-family: arial, sans-
serif, serif;

192:(p.108) In font names, does capitalization matter?

193:(p.108) In font family specs, what font should always be included?

194:(p.108) In font family specs, what font should always be listed last?

195:(p.112) What HTML character entity reference is for a space without
letting the line split?

196:(p.112) What HTML character entity reference is for the ampersand
(and) symbol?

197:(p.112) What HTML character entity reference is for the less-than sym-

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