HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript Fourth Edition

(Ben Green) #1


265:(p.151) Convert border-top-right-radius to camel case.

266:(p.151) What HTML attribute= is used to run a JavaScript action when
the user single-clicks on the specified item?

267:(p.151) What HTML attribute= is used to run a JavaScript action when
the user double-clicks on the specified item?

268:(p.152) What HTML attribute= is used to run a JavaScript action when
the mouse enters the specified item?

269:(p.152) What HTML attribute= is used to run a JavaScript action when
the mouse leaves the specified item?

270:(p.152) Are Java and JavaScript the same thing?

271:(p.152) Are Java and JavaScript related?

Unit I, Chapter 15: Lists and Menus

272:(p.157) The HTML tag “ol” stands for what word(s)?

273:(p.157) For each

    tag in valid HTML5, is a separate closing tag
    required, optional, or forbidden?

    274:(p.157) The HTML tag “ul” stands for what word(s)?

    275:(p.157) For each

      tag in valid HTML5, is a separate closing tag
      required, optional, or forbidden?

      276:(p.157) The HTML tag “li” stands for what word(s)?

      277:(p.157) For each

    • tag in valid HTML5, is a separate closing tag
      required, optional, or forbidden?

      278:(p.157) Can lists be nested (a list inside a list)?

      279:(p.158) For numbered lists, are there more than 10 numbering systems

      280:(p.158) What CSS list attribute controls the numbering system?

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