HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript Fourth Edition

(Ben Green) #1


315:(p.181) What HTML attribute= is used to specify the order in which
fields are reached by tabbing?

Unit I, Chapter 18: Responsive Web Design (RWD)

316:(p.186) What does RWD stand for?

317:(p.187) Explain the “mobile first” philosophy.

318:(p.187) Shadows, gradients, and transformations should be limited by
media queries. (yes/no)

319:(p.188) What does MQ stand for?

320:(p.188) List the two main media types that can be specified in media

321:(p.189) List the four most important media query viewport attributes.

322:(p.189) List the two media query orientations.

323:(p.194) What HTML markup is used to specify a vertical block?

324:(p.195) What HTML markup is used to mark off a horizontal block of

325:(p.195) In HTML what does the “span” tag stand for?

326:(p.195) Can a div legally appear within another div?

327:(p.195) Can a div legally appear within a p?

328:(p.195) Can a div legally appear within a span?

329:(p.195) Can a p legally appear within a div?

330:(p.196) Can a p legally appear within another p?

331:(p.196) Can a p legally appear within a span?

332:(p.196) Can a span legally appear within a div?

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