354:(p.242) What is a Take-Down notice?
355:(p.242) What is a Safe Harbor?
356:(p.242) What does DMCA stand for?
357:(p.243) What is lorem ipsum?
358:(p.243) What fancy name do we use to describe fake text that is inserted
into a webpage just to give it some body?
Unit II, Chapter 26: The Gimp Image Editor
Unit II, Chapter 27: Gimp Makes A Logo
Unit III: Under Development
Unit III, Chapter 28: Styling With CSS
359:(p.256) For eachtag in valid HTML5, is a separate closing tag
required, optional, or forbidden?
360:(p.256) What HTML markup is used to specify the name of the web-
361:(p.256) For each
required, optional, or forbidden?
362:(p.256) What CSS attribute: places a picture in the background?
363:(p.257) What CSS attribute: draws a box around some content?
364:(p.257) What CSS attribute: puts space between any box you draw
around content, and neighboring content?