HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript Fourth Edition

(Ben Green) #1


4.3 Tag Attributes

We can useattributesto modify or customize tags. Attributes are also

Attributes are specified right after the tag. Here is an example.

In this example, there are three attribute/value pairs. The first isx=5. The
second isy=hello. The third isz=whatever.

Normally the order does not make any difference. We could have said the
following, and it would mean the same thing.

Exam Question 62(p.339): In HTML does the order in which attributes
are specified make any difference?
Required Answer:no

4.3.1 Blank Attribute Values

If the attribute’s value is blank, you can specify it or leave it off. Here are
three options.

<... attribute="" ...>(the value is explicitly the empty string)

<... attribute= ...>(the value is assumed to be the empty string)

<... attribute ...>(the value is assumed to be the empty string)

The second option,<... attribute= ...>, is legal but it is dangerous and
shouldnotbe used. The following attribute, if any, could be interpreted to
be its value if you are not careful.

Sometimes a missing attribute has a default value. The submit button, for
example, has a default value that is different than specifyingvalue=''.

4.3.2 Spacing

Although it is perfectly legal to have zero or more spaces before the=, and
zero or more spaces after the=, we strongly recommend that spaces not be
placed around the=(equals) sign. It makes things confusing.

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