The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
The Secret Science of Numerology

the initiator that the L is, whose 1 comes first (12/3). All of the 3’s are
emotional, but U holds so much inside that it can be overly sensitive and
can’t always express those feelings.

Negative U’s are jealous, temperamental, quarrelsome, and sarcastic.
They use words to win or war (negative 7 characteristics). They must be
careful to maintain their balance with self-control or they easily lose all
they gain.

There is no comparative letter in Hebrew. U is a descendant of the
letter V. When the Greeks borrowed the alphabet from the Phoenicians,
they developed two signs from their “waw” which they used as the semi-
consonant W, as in the word “know.” The first sign actually became F
and this one became the vowel U and was called upsilon, or bare-u.

The Romans used it as both the consonant V and the vowel U. En-
glish dictionaries did not separate them until approximately 1800 and later.

U: Urbane. Unconventional. Useful. Uncanny.
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