The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
The 4 Letters: D, M, V

“The eye is the lamp of the body; if therefore your eye be bright, your
whole body is also lighted” (Matthew 6:22). That beautiful red star, Alde-
baran, which is the eye of Taurus, has long been used as a guiding point in
navigation confirming sailors’ sights. It is a material representation of the
spiritual insight that guides us when we desire enlightenment.

When we become one with the Divine thought, love, and light of the
Christ-consciousness, we then have that inner vision and light of knowl-
edge that gives us the joy of constructing treasures of lasting value, and
we ultimately contribute to the upliftment of mankind and our own soul’s

Esotericists know that the eye referred to in the scripture is the pineal
gland that fills with spiritual light when it is activated, the gland also called
“the third eye.” When one becomes evolved spiritually to the point where
the pineal gland fills the body with light, the Christ-consciousness is de-
veloped and we feel a love for our fellow man that we have never felt
before (The Bible and the Tarot, 65-6). When this is developed in man he
knows the difference between the sensual physical love, which is nothing
more than sense gratification, and the pure love of the God-light that is
present in every living being.

Light and love compose the link between the human and the Divine.
These are the attributes of our Creator and are expressed in the third
letter of the Tetragrammaton IHVH: His Name. When the Phoenicians
borrowed Vau, they gave it the name Waw and used it for the semi-conso-
nant W, as in “know.”

When the Greeks borrowed from the Phoenicians, they developed
two signs from Waw: Upsilon (U) and Digamma, which they used for
their semi-consonant W. This disappeared in later Greek. The Romans
took the Digamma from the Etruscans and used it as the consonant F,
and they used the Upsilon in the form of V to stand for three sounds:
U, V, and W.

We still see the letter V in ancient Roman script in place of U on
government buildings today. The two letters were not separated in writ-
ten form until the 18th century.

The letter V, being completely open above, is very intellectual, and
has a good business head. It is the 22nd letter and those 2’s show that the
V will work very well with others. 22 is the number of the Master Builder,
so V, especially if it is the first letter of the name, has what it takes to be
a good leader, or to be evil if the person works on the negative side of the

V’s need to study metaphysics because they have no line to separate
the spiritual from the material plane. Therefore they can easily be all one
or the other. Those who are filled with materialism are unscrupulous busi-
ness people. Those completely lacking in spiritual light become hardened
criminals. They need good moral precepts if they are to be fulfilled and
able to contribute something of worth as they are meant to do.

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