The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
The Secret Science of Numerology

freedom in order to cope with the changing aspects of the 5. Overin-
dulgence in sensual pleasures, or expressing any of the other negative
traits of the 5, is living in the valleys or pits of the W.

The peaks of the W are very high, and 5 is the middle of numbers,
known by the ancients to be β€œthe limited master.” The wise men of old
called themselves sages for they had mastered themselves by overcoming
the temptations of their five senses and touched on the spiritual.

Persons with a W in their names have a change of consciousness at
some time in their lives. They have experienced the consonant form of
indulgence, some in a lesser degree than others. Those who dissipate them-
selves are in the deep valleys, a pit that is difficult to ascend. Only through
a change of consciousness can they pull out and scale the peaks, which
are like arms upraised seeking the light.

This accomplished, it is indeed like the eye of man that sees the light
and the ear that hears the Air and wind, for only the ear that is attuned to
these subtle sounds hears the inner voice. That is experiencing the peaks
of the W. (For more on W see Double-You, page 233.)

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