The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

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The Secret Science of Numerology

F is the sixth letter, and 6 desires artistic surroundings. This number
is prevalent in the arts. The 6 may enter a field of music, decorating,
acting, or performing, which is, in a sense, serving others. A good perfor-
mance brings joy to many people.

F has an open mind and a sixth sense. It is similar to the letter P, the
only difference being that the F is open to new ideas. P is opinionated and
has a closed mind. (See the closed-in circle at the top of P?) It is the 16th
letter, which is 7, and 7 turns its back on the other numbers and chooses
its own counsel.

F’s are idealistic and as a rule they wish to express beauty. Their calm
exteriors give them a kind, parental look.

The negative F carries the responsibility trait to an extreme. This is
the meddlesome know-it-all who thinks no one else is right, that he/she
alone has all the answers, and is smugly self-righteous.

This is the voice that must be heard, which, when negative, will dis-
play a stubborn streak, using the voice as a silent weapon and not speak-
ing for days.

Those who live mainly on the negative polarity of this vibration are
people who want to control their families and friends. They can be tyrants
and not even realize it because they are so sure that they are absolutely
right. By their stubbornness, they make many people unhappy and un-
comfortable in their presence.

Otherwise F is a happy family vibration. It stands for Family,
Fatherliness, and Fidelity. F can be very passionate. It expresses the full
6 vibration, which is the number of Venus, the planet of love. It will mother
or smother.

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