The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
The Secret Science of Numerology

empty zero. No matter how you turn it, it retains its shape. This means
that it has fixed opinions, especially if it is the first letter of a name. O is
moody, but can cover its feelings well. O is possessive; it wants to hold its
own within its enclosed circumference.

O represents home, family, and finances. It attracts money but should
never take chances. It is highly protective and responsible, and has a con-
servative nature.

O is a picture of an eye and starts the words Ophthalmologist and
Occultist. Two O’s in a word look like a pair of eyes and often refer to
“seeing.” Through those eyes we look. And we can see with the inner eye
when we read a book.

O is an open mouth: Ora and Orthodontist. As the ear it is Otic. As a
container full of luxury it is Opulent; full of knowledge it is Omniscient;
full of power it is Omnipotent. Empty it is Oppressed, and full of self it is

Negative O’s are nervous, smug in their self-righteousness, worrisome
and meddlesome. On the destructive side they can be jealous, suspicious,
cynical, or tyrannical.

O is saint or sinner, either honest or dishonest. It is all or nothing as
the circle suggests, and since very ancient times it has been a letter of
magic and mystery.


No. 60

22222 X XxXx
Sound: s Sound: x as in extra

X – 24

The Hebrew letter that corresponds with our letter X is Samekh (saw-
mek) (S and X), a picture of a serpent swallowing its own tail.

The Greek name Sigma (S) was confused with the name Samekh (X)
which is related to the cross, or Christ principle, so S and X were mixed
up. And where Schin represents Fire as the force, which purifies and
completes creation, Samekh is the fire that burns in the world of the
senses. There still are Kabbalists who relate X to Samekh by writing it as
Xmach (The Bible and the Tarot, 90).

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