The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

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The Secret Science of Numerology

X has a V on all sides, and V, being 22, has much nervous energy: 4
V’s (4 × 22) = 88. The 8 has a fine sense of balance and rhythm, and like
the X it can be all spiritual or all material. 88 (8 + 8) = 16, a malefic
number. In the Tarot it is the Lightning-struck Tower and can depict
losses, accidents, and setbacks. X’s have falls and accidents unless the
person finds his/her spirituality in 7 (1 + 6 = 7).

Because X is so open it is receptive to psychic powers, but it rarely
uses them. X feels things so deeply, its sorrows can be intense. Its desire
to improve conditions for mankind or to help family and friends can be so
great, it will sacrifice to do so.

X is often used in commercial products and names with much success
because it is providing a service to people—a strong vibration of the 6:
love and service.

X is used as a symbol for a kiss. Some sources say that it became so
because Judas gave Jesus the kiss that pointed him out to the enemy. So it
is used to mark a person or place: X marks the spot. It is related to the
cross, or Christ-principle.

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