The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

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The Secret Science of Numerology

That Trinity is synonymous with the three Mother Letters, Alef (Air),
Mem (Water), and Schin (Fire), that are necessary to our physical makeup
and good health. When we maintain perfect harmony of that Trinity, it is
reflected in the sevenfold aspect of our bodies, bringing perfect health.

Notice, the original Holy Trinity was Father, Mother, and Son. Early
church fathers, influenced by Paul, changed the Trinity to Father, Son,
and Holy Ghost in order to reflect more perfectly their belief in the Mother
aspect as being below the Father rather than equal with it.

When the Greeks borrowed the letter they changed the name to
Gamma, but continued to use it as their G consonant. It was the Romans
who used the C for both the C and G sounds until the third century B.C.
In order to end confusion, they added the horizontal bar line for the G
and left C as it was for the K sound. G is inclined toward religion because
it is the seventh letter of our alphabet and 7 is inclined toward spirituality.
It turns in on itself to show that it is apt to be more self-searching, more
analytical, and more deep thinking than C.

It is a good vibration for any of the arts since it will practice until
perfect. It is also a good vibration for writing, science, and religion be-
cause of its analytical abilities and desire for perfection. This makes G
conservative, and to prefer quality to quantity.

G can speak beautifully but is not as talkative as the C. C is an open
mouth while G reflects on its words, speaks little, and says much. This is
purely a reflection of the 7 vibration which is spiritual, scientific, or silent.

G is not quite as outgoing as the C, for it is a C turning toward itself.
This also manifests the following qualities for G:

➛ It prefers to be alone more than the C.
➛ It keeps its own counsel and can be secretive.
➛ It works best alone and should not go into partnership.
➛ It is more concerned with self than others.
➛ It is reserved, opinionated, and strong-willed.
➛ It wants to solve hidden meanings.
➛ It wants to understand people’s motives.

Peace is necessary to a G; time alone to think, to rest, and to balance
out its energies. When negative, the balance is upset and G will appear to
be cold and unaffectionate. As a result it is often misunderstood and may
really be lonely.

The negative G can be very critical, sarcastic, aloof, even morbid, and
use hurtful words. It can be nervous or crafty. But it can also be easily hurt.
Spiritually mature G’s are looked up to for their willpower and wisdom.

As the camel is a means of communication between tribes, G reflects
on the deeper values and in its own way will uplift and inspire mankind
with its few choice words of wisdom.

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