The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
The 8 Letters: H, Q, Z

symbol of the victory gained in its spiritual illumination. “There are those
whose speech is like the piercing of a sword; but the tongue of the wise
heals” (Proverbs 12:18).

When the Greeks borrowed the glyph, they too used it as the Z conso-
nant. They renamed it Zeta, meaning life, for to them 7 symbolized life.
They changed the glyph to its present shape which is actually two 7’s, one
being upside down. They used Z for the first letter of their verb Zaw, which
means, “I live,” and in the name of the Father of All Living, Zeus (Jupiter).

The Romans borrowed the glyph for their Z consonant and it became
the 26th letter of the English alphabet.

As two 7’s, a Z has a vibration conducive to detective or secret ser-
vice work. The 7 is analytical and investigates things. It has the ability to
discover hidden purposes. It is for this reason that Z is interested in, and
can get to the bottom of mysteries.

The shape of Z resembles lightning, which is created from atmospheric
electricity, so there is much vital energy with this letter. Electricity can be
used for good or evil, to make things run smoothly or to destroy. And so
it is with Z in the name.

There is a feeling of much power. There is no limit to fine achieve-
ments, but if used for evil purposes, the “weapon” becomes a boomerang
that will ultimately destroy the sender.

Z cannot abuse its powers without negative results. Anything it gains
can be quickly lost: monetarily, politically, or any other way. The Z de-
mands integrity if it is to remain in charge. Greed will destroy it.

The middle vertical line goes straight from the physical to the spiri-
tual, a direct line of current supplying energy, ideas, and inspiration. Z
has deeper insight than H or Q and it is more spiritual, so it makes an able
leader who can inspire others.

The Z analyzes everything. Mental strain will drain its energy and it
can suffer a mental breakdown. But with proper rest it can maintain its
balance. Being a double 7 (its shape), it needs more rest than normal. It
needs its ZZZZ’s. Negative Z’s are deceptive and sly. They tend to exag-
gerate and even believe their exaggerations. Unless Z finds its spiritual
side, it does not make a good marriage partner. It will want to control the
other and it is not comfortable with sharing.

But the Z who has learned the sixth lesson of responsibility and has
learned to control the five senses, will take aim with good intent and its
arrow will hit the right mark, resulting in victory. In the process it will
gain its own perfection. The full number of God is 26. There are 26 letters
in the English alphabet, and Z is the 26th, so Z corresponds to God. In
the Hebrew alphabet Zayin is the seventh letter and corresponds with the
Seventh Commandment, “Thou shalt not commit adultery.” The 7 is the
spirit within the body of six sides, and adultery is a sin against the holy
Spirit within, which is the pure spirit of man in the likeness of God (The
Bible and the Tarot, 210).

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