The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

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The Secret Science of Numerology

The Triad was highly revered by the ancients. One or two lines could
not represent a figure, but three lines form the triangle, the first figure.
And since it is first and is perfect, it represents God.

It is the first three Sephiroth, the Godhead: the Creative Principle. It
is the supreme expression of love; two who seek each other only to be-
come three. But also two who seek each other that they may become one
(The Mysteries of Magic, 67, 343). To Pythagoras, the union of the Monad
and Duad produced the Triad. To him, the right-angled triangle repre-
sented this world.

The tripod is the first structure that can give support to a physical thing.
1 lacks base, 2 lacks steadiness, 3 gives support (and 4 gives solidarity).

According to the Kabbalah, 3 is associated with triangles, tripods, bodies
with three divisions, and bodies that can expand and contract because the
triangle is the primal or first shape. Salt in a solution will form triangular
shapes as the molecules begin to cluster (The Secret Doctrine, Vol. 2: 594).

The triangle is the shape of the pyramid, and the pyramid is said to
hold the secret to Fire. So words referring to Fire begin with “pyro.”
Particles of fire are pyramidal in form.

Pythagoras taught that everything in nature is divisible into three parts,
and that all things consist of three, including our problems. The problem
itself is one side. When we see the other point of view, that establishes the
second side. Then it is easier to supply the base, which is the answer (The
Key of Destiny, 120). “Establish the triangle and a problem is two-thirds
solved” (Pythagoras).

The third Sephira on the Tree of the Sephiroth is Binah, or Under-
standing and Intelligence. Binah is the female energy from which all life
becomes manifest. As the female potency it is the negative, passive en-
ergy, not sexuality.

In Adam Kadmon, Binah is above and to the right of the Grand Man’s
shoulder, directly across from Chochma (Wisdom), the male energy. Here
we see male and female absolutely equal. It was not until the church came
into power that woman was put below man. According to the Kabbalah,
they are equal before God.

When Understanding joins Will and Wisdom in the form of Divine
Love, it completes the creative triad, forming a triangle of power: the
Holy Trinity. Only through Understanding are we able to manifest the
power of Wisdom and Divine Love in our lives.

\ Triad //

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