The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

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The Secret Science of Numerology

giveth, Geburah taketh away.” So it is called “The Sphere of Fear,” but it
means to be in awe of God, for that is the beginning of wisdom.

In the Grand Man of the Universe, Geburah is the right shoulder,
being Chesed’s perfect balance.

In the law of opposites, the 5 is masculine and feminine, and for us to
be well-balanced, we must all have a small amount of the opposite force.
Man must have some receptivity to soften his nature, and woman must
have some positive force to give her strength.

\ Hexad //

The Hexad was considered a sacred number because the world was
created in six days, and on the sixth day man was created. Pythagoras
called the Hexad the “form of forms, the articulation of the universe and
the maker of the soul.” His followers called it “the perfection of parts”
and “Venus, herself.” The Hexad was the source of harmony, and Venus
is the “Mother of Harmony” (The Theoretic Arithmetic of the
Pythagoreans, 194).

The Hexad was the perfection of parts because it is the only number
from one to 10 that is completely equal in its divisions, and it produces a
hexagon when six lines are circularly drawn and adjoined, like individual
pockets in a honeycomb.

Its consistence of form in the honeycomb, or in a double triangle, also
signifies good health, for health is perfect form. It was also noted that
nature is partial to six-cornered formation of crystals (The Pythagorean
Triangle, 151-2). The relation of the 6 to body and form is also seen in the
fact that the world consists of six sides: north, south, east, west, height,
and depth. There is no existing body that does not have six sides (Morals
and Dogma, 635).

The very vowels of World (O = 6) and Earth (E = 5, A = 1, and
5 + 1 = 6), add up to a 6 soul urge, the urge to propagate the species and
to nurture.

The 6 was an ancient symbol of marriage because the male (3) times
the female (2) equals 6, the two becoming one body. And because it is a
number equal to its parts, it produces children resembling their parents
(The Pythagorean Triangle, 158).

So 6 is associated with symmetrical and well-formed bodies, graceful
curves and rounded figures where symmetry and balance are evident.

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