The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

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The Secret Science of Numerology

Spiritual man is known to have seven senses, the five physical, includ-
ing sight, touch, smell, taste, and hearing, plus the sixth of mental percep-
tion and the seventh of spiritual understanding.

The 7 was sacred because it contained 3 and 4: 4 being matter and 3
being the spirit that activates it. The Kabbalah shows the cube represent-
ing matter when it is unfolded and becomes the cross of four squares
down and three across. This is the Tau form that symbolizes the Element
of life (The Secret Doctrine, Vol. 2: 600).

Sometimes it is shown as a triangle above the square. The triangle is
the threefold spiritual body of spirit, mind, and soul descending into the
physical form (the square) on Earth. After death they disconnect, the
lower quarternary turning to dust and the spiritual body continuing. “Then
the dust shall return to the earth as it was; and the spirit shall return to
God who gave it” (Ecclesiastes 12:7).

The 7 was sacred to life because babies who are born in the seventh
month generally live, while those born in the eighth month perish.
Pythagoras said this was because 7 is composed of 3 and 4, masculine and
feminine forces. But 8 is composed of 4 and 4 which is a purely feminine
number or force and unable to supply the strength needed to survive.

The Heptad was called “Minerva,” the unmarried virgin goddess who
was said to have sprung from the forehead of Zeus, or Jove. This was the
same as if she had come directly from the Father of All, the Monad.

The figure 7 is like the Monad (1) but with a line extending from the
head, thus: 7, to depict the event. It also portrays the helmet that Minerva
wore. So 7 is representative of helmet shapes, horned shapes, crescent
forms, and shapes with curves on the right side. In the law of opposites, 7
is “crooked and straight.”

There are seven creative double letters in The Sepher Yetzirah and
there are seven Elohim who make up the manifested aspects of the
Godhead. These are the same seven. In Christian scripture they are re-
ferred to as “the sons of God” and are the ones who say, “Let us make
man in our image, after our likeness....” (Genesis 2:26).

Every culture has reference to these seven primordial powers, which
are the Elohim, nature powers, or planetary gods, the creative hierar-
chies. Their tools are the seven primary colors and the seven tones of
music that supply the keynote of vibration to every living thing.

Pythagoras calculated the tones of the planets according to their dis-
tance from each other, reasoning that their movement creates a vibra-
tion, which in turn creates a musical sound.

He was led to this enlightenment by observing that the effect of a
sound emanating from a vibrating string was controlled by mathematical
proportions or by the length of the string when plucked.

There were seven tones in all and each tone emitted was a step of
the musical scale of seven tones. The whole Cosmos is in a state of

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