The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
The Secret Science of Numerology

Positive: Adaptable. Adventurous. Brave. Charming.
Clever. Freedom. Social. Super salesman.
Negative: Impatient. Irresponsible. Restless. Thoughtless.
Destructive: Debauchery: drugs, food, drink, etc. Dissipation.
Gambler. Perversion. Self-indulgent.

Positive: Artistic. Domestic. Humanitarian. Musical.
Nurturer. Responsible. Serves. Teacher.
Negative: Argues. Meddlesome. Mopes. Needs appreciation.
Self-righteous. Smug. Sweet tooth.
Destructive: Conceit. Domestic or sexual tyranny. Drudgery.
Nosy and Interfering. Slavery.

Positive: Dignified. Educator. Intuitive. Love of nature.
Silent. Spiritual or Scientific. Studious.
Negative: Aloof. Cold. Lives in the past. Melancholy.
Peculiar. Skeptical. Sly. Unapproachable.
Destructive: Cheat. Dishonest. Faithless. Gossip. Sarcastic. Evil
intent. Secret motives.
Positive: Ambitious. Athletic. Balance of energies.
Efficient. Executive ability. Good judgement.
Negative: Impatient. Materialistic. Needs philosophic study.
Not frugal. Pushy. Thoughtless.
Destructive: Abusive. Cruel. Ignorant. Intolerant. Revengeful.
Schemer. Temper. Uncultured.
Positive: Artistic abilities. Brotherly love. Compassionate.
Dramatic. Philanthropic. Unselfish.
Negative: Aimless. Burdened. Frustrated. Over-emotional.
Destructive: Bad habits. Bitter. Dissipates. Immoral. Liar.
Morose. Possessive. Vulgar.

Positive: Great artist: music, art, drama. Idealist. Inspired.
Inventive. Religious leader.
Negative: Aimless. Fanatical. Frustrated. Sets goals too high
to reach.
Destructive: Dishonest. Miserly. Wicked leader.
Positive: Good at details. Master achiever. Powerful.
Negative: Disapproval. Inferiority complex. Narrow.
Destructive: Black magic. Gang leader. Reckless. Wicked.
Ulterior motives.








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