The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
The Secret Science of Numerology



“Let’s Get Organized”

The Sacred Trinity sent vibrations via the spoken word down into
material form. The Trinity, or Godhead, is shown graphically as a tri-
angle, which stands on the line depicting spirit descending into matter,
making the symbol 4. Some see it as upright man carrying the Godhead
Trinity. Pythagoras called it “Right and Left,” the land to your right and
left as you stand, or the four corners of the Earth. Geometrically, 4 is a
square, the most stable of all forms. When a man is honest they say he is
square with you.” The 4 represents uprightness, honesty, and integrity.
The 4 is devoted to family, community, church, and country.

The square is closed in on all sides, so the 4 will set up its own limita-
tions and sometimes feel boxed in. But it does not mind working nine to
five in an office room because that affords a feeling of security. The 4’s
will work hard for a secure future. They want to set a firm foundation
early in life. Sometimes they get so wrapped up in their work that they
forget to play, and then they can be pretty dull. The saying, “All work and
no play makes Jack a dull boy” evokes the image of the 4. But 4 is an
honest achiever and has material success.

\ 40/4 //

The active God-Power of the 0 making things manifest on Earth is
the story of the 40. Going through four planes of creation, each a sepa-
rate Sephirotic Tree, totaling 40 Sephiroth, makes this a number of

Creation. Terrain. Biology. Fundamentals.
The first three of these words have the full word total 85. Constant
change (5) is part of 85’s life cycle (8). The full word total of Fundamen-
tals is 130: the Creative Trinity (3) in the midst of perfection (1 and 0). In
the Bible, 40 is associated with spiritual advancement and completion.
Jesus fasted 40 days, and the great flood was 40 days and 40 nights. 40-
words that relate are:

Awakening. Consecrate. Penitent. Victory.
All 4’s work well and are good with their hands. The cypher after 4
also means working for perfection:

Artistry. Organist.
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