The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
The Secret Science of Numerology

center of the A that separates one from the other. G is the seventh letter,
and 7 denotes spirituality and will seek it. But E is 5 of the five senses, and
only he who learns self-control develops the powers of the true Initiate
(14 is 2 × 7).

JOY: 167 = 14. At first this was a surprise to me. I expected joy to be
a 23 because of the creative, talkative 3 with the 2 that loves to share. But
no—real joy comes from within the individual (1) before it can be shared.
Sometimes you and you alone can experience a joy.

And that joy is real to us when we WORK (22/4) toward and achieve
fulfillment. That 4 is something we have earned, and that is what brings
the individual joy in the real sense. Also, joy has the full number of 50,
which is a number endowed with intellectual quality. Animals cannot ex-
perience joy in the same sense that man can. The root is 5: Curiosity.
Freedom. Variety. All refer to man and the spice of life. All bring joy.

\ 41/5 //

The 14 and the 41 are numbers of nature. Nature is perfect organi-
zation (4) through intellect (1 and 5). It is form (4) created from ideas
(1 and 5).

When the 4 comes first, the freedom-loving 5 is structured, as in these

Astronomy. Geology. Universe.
The 4 is composed of two sensitive 2’s, so when it comes first, that
sensitivity is shown. At the same time, 4 solidifies character and makes
the 5 more responsible:

Character. Emotional. Feelings. Generous. Giving.
Prudence. Purify. Respected. Sensitive.
Negative equivalents are:
Antagonism. Blasphemous. Brooder. Condemned. Dan-
gerous. Fright. Pessimism. Prudish. Transgress. Wretched.
The 5 is a marriage number. It produces its own offspring. (5 × 5 = 2 5.
5 × 7 = 3 5. 5 × 9 = 4 5 .)

In 41/5 the self (1) now puts the family (4) first and thinks of starting
a family and having offspring of its own:

Married. Admirer. Promise. Pregnant. Existence.
MARRIED: 4199954 = 41, starts and ends with a 4-letter. This shows
it intends to set up its boundaries. It starts out with M, two feet set firmly
on the ground. M is the 13th letter and corresponds with the 13th Tarot
card, Death; but instead of death, it means change—something new com-
ing into one’s life. It is the death of the old single self and the birth of a
loving partnership.

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