The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1

In the following 60-words you can see where knowledge (0) and voice (6)
are important:

Communication. Definition. Description. Investigator.
Performance. Performer. Psychoanalysis. Understanding.

\ 6 //

Anyone with a 6 prominent in the name enjoys the creative arts. Some
make acting their profession. The word ACT totals 6. Its full number is 24:
putting sensitivities (2) into emoting (2) that appears to be real and true (4).

The 6 is also a domestic vibration: love of home, garden, children,
pets. CAT is a domestic pet and it totals 6. Its soul urge is A-1, meaning it
has a mind of its own—typical of cats.

\ 15/6 //

NAME: 15/6. Names are individual (1). Males and females have them
(5), and they refer to places and things as well as people (6). The soul of
name (A and E, or 1 and 5) totals 6. So it refers directly to the person,
place, or thing to which it belongs.

The personality (consonants of name: N and M, or 5 and 4) totals 9
which represents all humanity, everything, so a name is meant to be at-
tached to anyone or anything. Plus it is a spiritual gift. That is seen by its
full number: 33.

ALIAS: 15/6. It can be described the same as a name.
1—Refers to the self, person, place, or thing.
5—Is male or female because it contains the 3 and 2. It is also
6—Is domestic, artistic, vocal, has six dimensions and responds to
love. It is associated with families.
Other 15-words are:
Boy. Castle. Lady. Self. Suit.
Basically, 6 is love, home, and family in vibration. At one end of the
spectrum there is the caring and loving 6 that wants to be responsible. On
the other end is the caring 6 that wants to be of help on his terms only.
This is the meddler who causes more pain than joy and does not even
realize it. This person is SMUG, another 15/6 word, but on the negative
end of the vibration.

The opposite of love is hatred. These 6’s are so sure they are right and
everyone else is wrong that they will fight for their beliefs. The negative
words that vibrate to this 15/6 force are:

Battle. Duel. Mean. War.
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