The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1

In politics, 16 is the self (1) wanting law and order (6). It wants its
voice (6) to be heard. The 7 will study, take exams, and know the statutes.
Related 16-words are:

Book. Exam. Statute.

There is a need for all karmic numbers (13, 14, 16, and 19) to develop
the spiritual side of the nature. That is the strong, loving force that bal-
ances out all negative conditions.

\ 61/7 //

This number stands for ACCOMPLISHMENT (61/7).
The 6 always seeks to complete projects. (God created the world in
six days).

1 is creative: the doer who initiates projects.
7 has the inner serenity to be in control. It will analyze and probe for
facts. This applies to the following 61-words:

Concentration. Intelligence. Tranquillity. Visualization.
Wholehearted. You.
GRAPHOLOGY: 7917863677 = 61/7 loves to write, and graphology
is the study of handwriting. Being analytical, 7 can easily find the hidden
meanings in handwriting.

6 will study things quietly. It will take the responsibility of accurate

6 refers to the body of something, and handwriting is the tangible
“out-picturing” of the soul.

1 refers to the uniqueness of each writing specimen and to the indi-
vidual to whom it belongs.

The word starts and ends with 7-letters: G and Y. Y is always at-
tracted to things of a mystical nature. G is very intuitive and draws in
knowledge. See how the letter turns in on itself? It is usually wise and
spiritual or analytical.

Negative 61-words are:
Transgression. Irritation.
IRRITATION: 9999212965 = 61. The interesting thing here is the
fact that the most emotional number, 9, dominates the first four letters,
and to feel irritation is definitely an emotional response. Those four 9’s
are followed by the highly sensitive 2, which surrounds the self (1). It’s
full number is 133, which can be translated as “death (13) of creativity
(3),” or “the self (1) martyred (33).”

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