The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
The Secret Science of Numerology


“Creative Power”

55 77


88 99

“Success” “Fulfillment”

These master numbers are rarely found in the name or birth date. But
words that add up to these numbers correspond with the qualities of the
numbers themselves.


The entire scope of all knowledge is contained within the Ten Sephiroth,
or numbers. When 1 through 10 are added to each other, their total is 55,
so 55 is known as the number of intelligence. Since 5 plus 5 is 10, the
number of perfection, 55-words strive for perfect answers:

Aristocratic. Dictionary. Discipline. Intelligent.
Numerology. Omniscience. Orchestrated. Picturesque.
Profession. Refinement. Researcher.

The basic meanings of 5 are sexuality and the senses, freedom, curios-
ity, and adaptability, so the 55 is both a physical and a mental number. Its
10 root is a new start, on a new cycle:

Generations. Grandparent. Personality. Rejuvenation.
The negative vibration is found in: Braggadocio. Condemnation. Coun-
terfeit. Profligate (reckless spendthrift).

Some 55-words that have 100 as their full number are: Discipline.
Lightning. Researcher.

The 100 is the power of 10 raised to the Cosmic level: 10 multiplied by
itself. It has been described as the Ten Sephiroth of the Tree of Life
accomplishing by self-contemplation (The Book of Tokens, 172).

These are strong words. Lightning is unharnessed primal energy. Dis-
cipline makes us strong, and it is the researcher who finds the answers.

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