The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1


Unveiling the

Secret Science


n The Secret Doctrine, Helen P. Blavatsky tells us that the secret
laws were passed on orally from teacher to student for thousands of
years, and that they were never written down. For centuries, the writ-
ten divulgence of these secrets had been forbidden out of “necessity”
because they could have been wrongly used by the profane and material-
minded masses. She added that they would gradually be revealed to true
and honest seekers of the New Age and that revelation would come when
the time was right. At that time this information would be of use only to
the enlightened minds of the day, for no one else would find sense in or
use for it.

Certain mystic writers have been entrusted with part of the knowledge,
and in the future there will be still others to reveal even more. I believe
these ancient secrets are being made known now, in this New Age, or this
small portion would not have been revealed to me. Why me? I’m as sur-
prised as anyone. All I know is that I had a deep and honest desire to
know and that something has been urging me in this direction all my life.

From the time I was a child I had a great interest in things of a spiri-
tual nature. I thought ancient man must have been very fortunate to have
been so close to his beginnings, and so close to nature. The stronghold of
opinions had not yet begun to form. Ancient peoples did not have to go
far to find forests and other natural scenes of beauty where they could
feel the stillness of the environment, hear the song of birds and insects,
and feel the strong aura of approaching animals. This was a time before
men parroted other men’s opinions; when they could learn no other way
than by going within and meditating deeply; by joining their Higher Selves
to the great consciousness of the Universe about them. I reasoned that in
the very beginning there had to be only God, and that in order to create
anything it had to come out of Himself. We are all divine substance—
intelligent particles in the whole body of our creator.

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