The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
As Above, So Below

the idea that “disease” corresponds to certain vibrational rates. She shows
how to construct an illness chart, and by using numerology, find the best
medication. She stresses that a person’s mental attitude is a major factor
in overcoming any illness, that we are mind before we are body, and sug-
gests that we can not only control the cure, but may certainly have cre-
ated the illness in the first place (Healing Through Numerology,

All of these studies bring me to the conclusion that the source of all
color, sound, and vibration is in the spiritual plane, not the physical. “As
Above, So Below.” These are the tools for the making of the Universe.

According to Professor Jagadish Chandra Bose of Calcutta, who wrote
the book, Response in the Living and Non-Living, there is some degree of
life in the smallest grain of sand.

...not only the chemical compounds are the same, but the
same infinitesimal invisible lives compose the atoms of the
bodies of the mountain and the daisy, of man and the ant,
of the elephant and of the tree which shelters it from the
sun. Each particle, whether you call it organic or inor-
ganic, is life.

His findings won him the highest scientific honors, for he proved that
so-called inorganic matter responds to stimuli. He measured the reaction
of different forms of life to different stimuli. When compared, he found
that reactions were exactly alike (The Secret Doctrine, Vol. 1, 281).

“The laws of reality cannot deviate from the ideal laws of
mathematics” (Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, as quoted in
Morris Klein’s Mathematics and the Search for Knowledge,
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