The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

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The Secret Science of Numerology

Later in history, Plato purchased some of these manuscripts (The
Secret Science of All Ages, LXVII). The basic tenets reappeared in the
Middle Ages in a craft of stone masons called “Freemasonry,” which was
based on the Science of Numbers.

Masonry is identical to the ancient mysteries. The Freemasons had
secret signs and passwords, and were interested in attaining spiritual
knowledge that could only be learned from the arrangement of letters and
combinations of numbers with their hidden meanings, which collectively
are the key to understanding the mysteries (Morals and Dogma, 625).

To their great credit, the Freemasons respect all religions, all peoples,
and hold no prejudices. They understand that man is here to learn and
grow at his own pace through his own experience.

It was men with these beliefs who framed our Constitu-
tion and designed the Great Seal of the United States. The
Eagle was the ancient symbol of spiritual vision and is
meant to represent the people of The United States. The
reverse seal with the eye in the triangle symbolizes the
eye of God in His protective watch over our nation (Our
Great Seal, 41, 46).

The modern Masons’ ninth commandment is “Hear much, speak little,
act well”—very Pythagorean.

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