The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
The Roots of Numerology

Chart 2. Hebrew Letter Numbers and Meanings

  1. !!!!! Aleph A Oxhead: (Taurus) Sign of physical
    Air: (Element) Breath, spirit. Height and
    Depth and the path between.

2. """" Beth B House: Mouth cavity that holds sound.

  1. Gimel G,C Camel: Product of A and B: The Word.

    Riches and communication.

  2. $$$$$ Daleth D Door: The Cosmic Womb

  3. %%%%% Hé H,E Window: One’s viewpoint. The sound of
    H is the breath of life.

  4. 00000 Vav, Vau V,W Peg, or Nail: Joining link between the
    human and the Divine.

7. ' Zayin Z Weapon: Tongue

Arrows, Sword: Words that cut.
Scepter: Victory in the right use of

  1. ((((( Cheth Ch(K) Field: Soil of consciousness; attainments.
    Fence: Self-imposed limitations.

  2. ))))) Teth T Serpent: Wisdom.
    Roof: The protection that wisdom gives.

  3. ***** Yod I,J,Y Hand: Our creative tool.
    Flame: Light of understanding within us.

20. , Kaph K Palm of hand: Holds what we receive.

final K, 500

  1. ----- Lamed L Ox-goad: A prod to express love and

  2. ///// Mem M Water: (Element) From which all life
    final M, 600 arises.

  3. 11111 Nun N Fish: Esoteric teachings and spiritual
    final N, 700 growth.

  4. 22222 Samekh S,X Prop, Bow: What we send out returns to
    us: Law of the circle.

  5. 33333 Ayin O Eye: The Inner Spiritual Eye, beginning
    of expanded consciousness.

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