The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
Prelude to Letters

Bumpy: The B is made of two bumps.
Sudden: The S makes an abrupt change in direction.
Tree: The T has a central trunk and outstretched

When we study the meanings of each letter, we see where this holds
true for all words. But most important of all is your name. Those particu-
lar letters are the divine gifts bestowed on you at birth, and you can choose
to live up to their full positive potential.

It has been observed that numerology works as well with the Chaldean
alphabet as with the English. It works in any of the Indo-European alpha-
bets where the letter and number are interchangeable. Though the letters
in these alphabets are different, they are set to their own rate of vibration.
Numbers are a universal language.

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