The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
The Secret Science of Numerology

L is not as spontaneous as C, for its base is straight and will not move
as quickly, so it considers things before acting.

Expressive L’s find popularity and success through creative self-
expression and are usually happy and outgoing. They do need to channel
their talents toward study and self-improvement.

Along with artistic abilities, the L has a good legal mind because it
knows the basics of law. L is 12/3, A, B, C, basics. Both law and legal
begin with L, the picture of the outstretched arm of the Lord (Law).

L has a good legal mind because its intuition gives it insight into
people’s motives. It understands why they act as they do and its first
impressions are often right. L’s are very intuitive because they are com-
pletely open to the mental and spiritual plane, as their shape shows, and
upside down L is 7, an intuitive number vibration.

This gives L psychic awareness. It often desires occult and religious
training. The 7 gives L the ability to think things through, for 7 is very
analytical and has good reasoning abilities.

It is not strange that L’s are good speakers, singers, teachers, and
preachers, or that they are equally vocal when negative by use of hurtful
words, sarcasm, and criticism. Together the vocal numbers2, 3, 6are
what compose an L: 12/3 = 6.

The L loves to sing and has a good voice, especially if born on the 12th
or 30th. Lamed’s value is 30. The negative L has absolutely no patience
and finds fault with everything. They can see both sides of a question and
tend to be indecisive. Some feel held down by their environment and that
can be a source of frustration. They must feel free to express themselves.

Also, since L’s are upside down 7’s, they bring in the negative polarity
of the 7 when things don’t go right for them: fear, sorrow, frustration, and

People with more than one L in their name are prone to accidents and
carelessness because they have so much on their minds that they do things
too quickly.

Otherwise they have a happy disposition and are friendly and sociable.
L: Law. Learned. Legal. Life. Light. Likeable. Loquacious. Loving.
Lust. Lyrical.

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