420 APPENDIX B: Introduction to Groovy
Listing B-36 illustrates using the Java ternary and Elvis operators in Groovy.
Listing B-36. Using the Elvis Operator
def firstName = author.firstName == null? "unknown" : author.firstName // Java ternary
def firstName2 = author.firstName ?: "unknown" // Groovy Elvis
In both cases, if author.firstName is null, then firstName is set to unknown. The author.firstName
fragment of the Elvis operator example is known as the expression. If the expression evaluates to
false or null, then the value after the colon is returned.
Safe Navigation/Dereference Operator
The safe navigation/dereference operator (?.) is used to avoid null pointer exceptions. Consider the
situation where you have an Author object and you want to print the firstName. If the Author object is
null when you access the firstName property, you will get a NullPointerException (see Listing B-37).
Listing B-37. Using the Safe Navigation/Dereference Operator
class Author {
String firstName
String lastName
def printFullName = {
println "${firstName} ${lastName}"
Author author
println author.firstName
The code in Listing B-37 throws a NullPointerException. In Java, you add a null check this way:
if (author != null) {
println "Author FirstName = ${author.firstName}"
Listing B-38 illustrates how to add the null check using the safe navigation/dereference operator
in Groovy.
Listing B-38. Using the Safe Navigation/Dereference Operator
class Author {
String firstName
String lastName
def printFullName = {
println "${firstName} ${lastName}"
Author author
println "Author FirstName = ${author?.firstName}"