430 APPENDIX C: Introduction to Scala
Save Listing C-12 in the file vehicle.scala and compile it using the following:
scalac vehicle.scala
Now you can enter the REPL using the scala command and create the vehicle object,
as shown here:
scala> val vehicle1 = new Car(200)
With this command, Scala creates the vehicle1 object, as shown here:
vehicle1: Car = Car@19a8942
Now you can use this vehicle1 object created by Scala to access the speed of Car.
scala> vehicle1.mph
The Scala REPL emits the speed of Car, as shown here:
res1: Int = 200
In the similar manner, you can execute the race() method of vehicle1, as shown here:
The Scala interpreter emits the output, as shown here:
Racing Car
Now you can create the Bike object and access its property and method, as shown here:
scala> val vehicle2 = new Bike(100)
vehicle2: Bike = Bike@b7ad3
res4: Int = 100
scala> vehicle2.race()
Racing Bike