Learn Java for Web Development

(Tina Meador) #1

■ I

Imperative languages, 3
Implicit objects
accessing cookie, 125
accessing header, 124
accessing request parameters, 124
accessing scoped attribute, 125
maps, 123
types, 123
Inheritance, 389
Init-binder, 253
Inside brackets [ ] operator, 118
Intercepting filter pattern, 147
advantages, 148
init parameters, 149
response filter configuration, 149
simple response filter, 148
use cases, 148
Interceptors, Struts 2
action declaration, 167
default stack declaration, 168
mapping interceptors to action, 167
Inversion of control, 158

■ J, K

Java, 2
arrays, 386
class, 383
constructor chaining, 391
constructors, 387
encapsulation, 389
inheritance, 389
object, 383
overloaded methods, 386
polymorphism, 393
instance members, 385
reference variables, 384
static members, 385
Java application
bytecode, 11
creation and running of, 12
JDK, 12
JRE, 12
with integrated development environment

application creation, 15
downloading steps, 13
new project creation, 13
Java application, Play
Eclipse configuration
import project, 367
index action, 369
play console, 366
project creation, 361
root directory, 368
sample application, 369
workspace, 366
play command-line tool, 360
project creation, 360
controllers.Application.index method, 364
default welcome page, 362
directory structure, 363
index.scala.html, 365
play console, 361
public static index( ) action, 365
render( ) method, 365
routes, 364
run command, 361, 363
welcome function, 365
Java Development Kit (JDK), 12
Javadoc comments, 16
Java EE Web development
design patterns, 105
composite view, 152
dispatcher view, 153
front controller, 149
intercepting filter, 147
presentation tier, 146–147
problems, 146
service to worker, 155
view helper pattern, 151
dynamic web pages, 4
entropy, 106
evolution of, 5
architectural problem domain, 158
automating common functionalities, 158
business problem domain, 158
configurability, 158
definition, 158
design patterns, 158
inversion of control, 158

440 Index

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