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(Wang) #1

706 Unit 30 C NEL

9.Identify the row that best describes the type of mutation
and its consequence to the structure of the protein.
Row Mutation Consequence
A. insertion causes a shift to the reading
frame and results in an
entirely different amino acid
B. deletion causes a shift to the reading
frame and results in an
entirely different amino acid
C. substitution causes a different amino
acid at one location
D. inversion causes different amino acids
for the sequence inverted as
reading frame is reversed

  1. Select the statement that best describes the codons given
    in the description of thalassemia.
    A. These are mRNA codons as they contain the base
    B. These are mRNA codons as they contain the base
    C. These are DNA codons as they contain the base
    D. These are DNA codons as they contain the base

Use the following information to answer questions 9 and 10.

Thalassemia is a serious human genetic disorder that causes
severe anemia. People with thalassemia die before sexual
maturity. There are over 90 different mutations that can lead to
thalassemia. One of the mutations changes the codon TAC to

Use the following information to answer questions 11 and 12.

  1. Initiation commences when the RNA polymerase binds to
    the promoter region of the gene to be transcribed.

  2. The ribosome continues to move along the mRNA, reading
    the code in triplets known as codons.

  3. When the ribosome moves over, the tRNA containing the
    growing peptide is shifted over to the P site. A third amino
    acid, specified by the third codon, is brought into the A site
    by the next tRNA. A peptide bond is formed between the
    second and third amino acid.

  4. A complementary RNA strand is synthesized in the
    direction of 5to 3, using one strand of DNA as a
    template. This step is known as elongation. The
    complement of adenine in RNA is uracil.

  5. New amino acids are added to the chain in the process of
    elongation, which continues until a stop codon is read in
    the A site. The stop codons are UAG, UGA, and UAA. At
    this point, the ribosome stalls.

  6. Once the termination sequence is reached by the RNA
    polymerase, the process ceases. The mRNA is separated
    from the DNA and the RNA polymerase falls off the DNA

  7. When the start codon is in the P site, a tRNA delivers the
    amino acid methionine. The tRNA recognizes the codon
    because of the complementary anticodon.

  8. Identify the statements that describe the process of
    transcription. (Record all three digits of your answer in the
    order in which they would occur in the cell.)

  9. Identify the statements that describe the process of
    translation. (Record all four digits of your answer in the
    order in which they would occur in the cell.)

8.Correctly match the cell number in Figure 2with the
condition. (Record all four digits of your answer.)

________ ________ ________ ________
Turner’s trisonomic will not trisonomic
syndrome female survive male



normal female

nondisjunction normal

normal male



12 3 4

Figure 2



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