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(Wang) #1

NEL Cell Division 585


Figure 5shows the incomplete karyotype chart of a human. Notice that several
chromosomes are missing. Identify where chromosomes a to f (Figure 6) should be in
this karyotype chart.

SAMPLE exercise 1

12 3 4 5

67 89101112

13 14 15 16 17 18

19 20 21 22 X Y

Figure 5


Figure 6


  1. Start by scanning the karyotype chart to see which pairs are missing a chromosome.
    Pairs 3, 5, 8, 15, and 16 need a partner.

  2. Match the most obvious chromosomes first: the longest, shortest, or most distinctively
    banded chromosomes.

  3. For chromosome matches that are not as obvious, look carefully at the banding pattern
    and location of the centromere.

A diagnostic technique known as
amniocentesis can be used to test
for nondisjunction and other
genetic disorders in developing
fetuses. During this procedure, a
fine needle is inserted into the
amniotic sac that surrounds the
fetus, and about 10 mL of the
amniotic fluid in which the fetus is
bathed is withdrawn. This fluid
contains fetal cells that can be
used to produce a karyotype
chart, as well as chemicals that
may signal specific disorders.


Learning Tip

You can also construct a
karyotype chart using a copy
of the chromosome images.
For the Sample Exercise and
Practice question 1, copy
Figures 5, 6 and 7. Then, cut
out the chromosome images in
Figures 6and 7 , and position
them on Figure 5according to
their size, shape, and banding
patterns. GO
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