Inside the Electron @ 97
with a kind of intelligence... a kind of consciousness," he tentatively
speculated that this consciousness "had left a doorway into... a larger
intelligence, a universal intelligence."
To occultists, of course, nothing exists but consciousness, be it in
innumerable subtleties of degree. As for the force that holds both the
UPA and the atom together, to Phillips it is bosons exchanged between
subquarks from the same quark, and gluons exchanged between sub-
quarks belonging to different quarks. What Ron confirmed was that
Leadbeater's "lines of force" were actually spinning, tubular surfaces
(vortices in the superconducting Higgs field) through which flowed
spinning particles (spin-I gluons) that did not enter the UPA but were
created and destroyed at the boundary of the walnut-shaped surface
enclosing it.
To ~eadbeater: "The force does not enter the UPA from outside. It
wells up within-which means it enters from higher din~ensions."As he
explains the phenomenon, dimensions of space are merely limitations of
consciousness, and a sufficiently developed consciousness is entirely bee
from such limitations, with the power of expression in any number of
dimensions."Each descent into denser matter shuts off perception of one
of these dimensions. By the astral level it is limited to four dimensions;
further descent into the physical world limits it to three."
Keverse the process, remove the limitations, and the universe be-
comes endowed with greater depth, richness, beauty, and harmony: in
all its beauty, grandeur, divinity, it is already there, always. It is we who
change as we increase or remove our limitations.
Fortunately, the limits appear to be arbitrary. If you consider the
size of a superstring: .oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo~
centimeters, as estimated by physicists, and the outer limits of the
observable universe to be under ~oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
centimeters, the theosophists' and Ron Cowen's feats place humans
midway between one and the other extreme, with the amazing faculty,
developed through siddhi powers, of being able to shift consciousness
toward either extreme, annihilating space.
As for time, it appears to be just as illusory: a photon emitted by a
remote galaxy billions of years ago knows already as it approaches earth